
“Come to me you who are weary and burdened”

In this election season every community is worried because the old ways do not work anymore. And in their anxiety, communities are tempted to all kinds of controlling regulations and figure out ways to be exclusive in order to keep out the “others.”

Fear is all around us, a fear that keeps being fed by the fearful. Fear of the weather, of terrorism, of losing our nation as we know it. We fear for our kids’ futures, our health. All kinds of manipulating fears turn us into a worried, even paranoid society.

But the Christian church speaks another word in such an environment. It is a word of preaching and living, of witnessing and acting, that we are unafraid, and we invite the world to be unafraid with us.

Jesus knew for sure that he came from God’s love that had cherished him since the foundation of the world. Jesus is such a contrast to those of us who are so consumed in our anxiety and so eaten up by fear that we do not know where we have come from or to whom we belong.

In the Christian tradition, we believe that the blessing of God is found in the life of Jesus Christ. He is the gift of well-being that we receive in faith.

Jesus said in Matthew 11:28-30, “Come to me you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. For my yoke is easy and my burden is light.”

And although the yoke of Jesus does not offer a life of luxurious ease, the yoke still implies challenging work – He shares the yoke with us.

His larger shoulders carry the greater weight. He has more pulling power to help us.

The effort of staying true to God means we look to Him rather than to the fearful evening news.

Please think about the sin in your life and apologize for it to Jesus. This is called “repenting of your sin.” Believing in Jesus as your Lord and Savior is a personal, humble relationship. When you have accepted Him, you want to learn more about Him. You have the desire to learn more. Grab a Bible and start reading and talking with Him. He is real. He cares for you and me more than we can imagine.

Experience for yourself the life-changing invitation of Jesus, “Come to me all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest.”

Jesus knew he was from God and was going to God. He knew his future. He did not speculate about immortality or life after death. And for those of us who believe in Jesus Christ, His resurrection from the grave, and that He will come again to restore His world, fear is indeed cast out.

There is one, true baptism of the Holy Spirit. There is new, good news. There is a commandment for new life.

Yes, fear keeps welling up among us all. But the baptized resist it. There is, we know, a more excellent way to live, to hope for all things, to endure all things. This way of life never ends; it is a gift that keeps on giving from the God of life, our Lord, Jesus Christ.


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